

Lost at the center

It was a trio to the beach,
Everyone in pairs and groups,
Running into the water,
And getting chased by it.

Everyone had sometimg to say,
A story about the beach, sand or just a random outing story to tell,
The beach had become dotted with smiling and laughing faces,
A memory for everyone present to carry on.

I had found my way to the middle of the crowd,
And now, the chit chats and laughters seemed to produced no sound,
The faces seemed to be disappearing too,
And all I could see was me communicating with nature in a strange way.

I seemed to understand the stories the water told,
I could dance with the wind,
Hear the language of the bird,
It was all so sweet, then a tap on my shoulder.

"You've been standing all alone smiling for over 30 minutes", Sandra said.
Only then did I realized that in the crowd of over a 100 people,
I had been alone, lost in the crowd, loving nature,
Now, it's time to be found and join the dance.

© Nifer🤍