

Night time is silent
Thousands of star in the sky
Moon lights brightly
It is time to sleep peacefully
Time in Night is strange
We remember all the things of past
We recall all the memories
Our eyes meet someone
We regert for the mistake
One chapter are going to end
Another chapter come to being
New hope are come in mind
Made a memories of joy and sarrow
New hope in our eyes
That time give chance to change yourself
We start overthinking about things
Night time is beautiful
We got time to spent with ownself
We enjoyed loneliness in night
We remember people
Think about your Beloved
In drakness and secure of Night
We make own imagination
We difference the night and day
Things are come in your mind
Want to regain people who lost by you
Silence of Night is deep
Surrounding of quiet with sound of wind
Nighttime will always have a mystery
That is time to forget your all worries
We hear the sound of mind
Night time is peaceful ever
Nature are free with annoying sound of day
Different peaceful in our mind
Dreams are shine in our eyes
And stars are shining in the sky
World become quite arround
It's time to take rest our mind and all
peaceful in Nighttime always


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