

A poem with no words
With nothing to talk about,
with no words,
but so many to say,
with a small mouth,
but so many sentences.

Someone with so many questions,
but with no answers,
barely understanding the language,
and yet still trying to speak it,
when rushing through words it all comes out as mumbles,
with laughs when you ask a serious question.

Father yelling at me for asking all the questions,
mother avoiding the question with a distraction,
sister walking away from all the questions,
brother closing the door at your face for all the questions.

No one listens to a toddler,
no one hears a toddler,
no one sees the toddler.

Everyone laughs at the toddler,
everyone plays with the toddler,
everyone talks about the toddler,
but who's answering the toddlers question?

That toddler has so many questions,
that toddler wants to know so much,
that toddler is so curious,
that toddler is being silenced for it's curiosity.

© Sammy Ayala