

All I need.
I cried and cried and cried, looked around to find a shoulder to lean on.
Found none.
I moved on to wiping my tears
by myself.
Been waiting for so long for a hand of the one
who care for me to hold me.
Came none.
I made mistakes in my life that landed in me in my own
created mess. Looked around for a hand to pull me out.
Found none.
I sat in dark waiting for for a light to walk through. To make me shine as ever.
Came none.
Never would have been so late to reach where I am today, if I had have looked closely,
Shoulders were there - my own.
Hands were there - my own.
Light was there - my own.
Just kept searching in others, never realised I am all I would ever need.

Don't make the same mistakes I made.
© Palak Nain.