

Dear Writco,
they say feelings are everything, and are hard to be broken,
Feelings can be broken and I feel broken,
now they say I am agitated and cruel,
but how can I manange my anger, and not be agitated?
there’re lots of pressure and I feel tempted,
I am tensed and I don’t know how to handle so much stress.
I want to keep it all to myself, but it could kill me slowly like an insect,
I feel depressed,
it’s aching so much in my chest.
I need to speak up and get it all out,
I need to pray and let God act,
I need to say it loud, cos I don’t wanna die…

Dear Writco,
I promise I’m gonna fight,
fight for my life,
fight for my peace of mind,
for I am big,
I am brave,
I am bold,
I am beautiful,
And most of all I am WORTHY,
worthy of LOVE,
worthy of RESPECT,
I am worthy of PEACE ☮️
I am worthy of it all.
© Silver Francis