

Chapters of life
It seems like it's time for this chapters to closed , seems like I'll miss you despite knowing I shouldn't but just thinking about it's suffocating alittle bit...maybe alot.

I'm scared , I have to admit. being in this world with new people, new things and a new me, it's hard , I don't know how things could turn out , it's like going into a jungle where you had never been before, you could get lost and get attacked by things out there. you don't know what to expect.
soon that chapter will have to close too , so I just close my eyes and walk in the shadows of the unknown and hope I'll be alright.

some says it's okay to be scared but I'm yet to heal , I don't think I can deal with another heart break. I can't handle emotions, am weak, can't fight and haven't learn my lessons yet but I have to go . the chapter is closing.
however I will always goes back and reread these chapteres and think of it as an old friend.
a person I once knew and somehow wish I could still be..but I have to go now, the chapter is closing..

© Vanessa lexi
not exactly a poem..