

ghost town
there once was a flourishing garden,
a haven,
filled to the brim with writing mavens—
so very skilled at their craft.
but this place,
this safety raft,
went away
its dunes, scorched and barren—
a wasteland.
i stumbled upon this oasis i speak of,
in a time of great personal struggle
it became an outlet to speak my mind,
i was set free from my troubles
even if only for a little while…
backs turned
hearts with bruises—contusions
for so many… so dedicated…
mass confusion.
the flames of passionate pens
swiftly snuffed out
art inaccessible,
‘cause They conformed to the crowd.
our new home
this new place
i implore you—
to return to your creativity
return to that headspace
it takes time to adjust,
but in time we will become
just as robust as before.

~ x ~

Love you, Poetizer fam. Whether you know me from the app or not, I appreciate you. Writco is our little saving grace, isn’t it? Thankful to be here now. I’m still confused about it all… I don’t know what I will do when my free trial period ends. Explanations given by those at the helm are not satisfactory. Just… ugh…

How is everyone adjusting? I quite like Writco, really. And the number of membership tiers (if you want those additional perks, that is!) feels very inclusive. Support art!

photo credit:
Rob Wicks // Unsplash 📷
( username checks out… hahaha
#puns #candlehumor )

© branypoo

#poetizer #poetizerfam