

rest of me
rest my head on pillows of gathered thorn's. my body no longer matter's it's torn.
no breath is left, life has bailed leaving only death.
pierced is the soul that I use to call my own.
pain no longer fills my chest my body is at it's rest.
memory is the curse I take to my rest.
I loved with my body, I almost escaped loving with my soul.
please , please stop the pain I come to know.
it lives in memory, not the body I once called my own.
I've rested in my thought , it is all I know.
I can remember nothing else but the life I use to know.
I can't keep time , it fades away with the rest of me and the life I use to know.
touched by love , once with my soul. dissipating is the body I used for pleasure but love of the soul I can't let go. this is the rest of me . love took the best of me.
© jun.klost96#broken