

Anytime I look into the skies
The thought of loosing you
Always comes to mind
I never dreamt that this will happen
How stupid I have been
To have watched you go away
I was afraid of loosing you
But I know I had to let go
For it was for the best
How funny
When it rains and I hear the thunder and see the lightening
I become scared, yeah I do
Because if you were here with me
All you would have said was
"its all right,it will soon be over"
You broke the walls surrounding me and made me happy again
My God,why didn't I realize that
you are my true friend
Maybe it was fate after all
But am still holding onto the love
Rooted deed within me
Keep on dreaming
Keep on hoping
To see you once again
When we'll both meet
Look forward into each other's eyes
And hug and this would have
been what I would have said
"it was worth letting go"
Even though it hurts like never before.