

First Sight
A chance encounter, a fleeting glance
My heart skipped a beat, a romantic dance
A guy crossed paths, my friend by my side
Little did I know, my heart would reside

In his eyes, a spark, a gentle smile
My soul took flight, for a long while
His looks, a wonder, his voice, a treat
My heart released happy harmons, skipped a beat

I noticed the way he looked at me
A crush, a connection, a sweet melody
I thought it was just my mind's play
But our conversations sealed the day

No wonder, my eyes shone bright
Our talks, a delight, a pure sight
For the first time, I felt this way
A love at first sight, in college days

Though it may seem like a fleeting thought
My heart beats fast, my soul is caught
In the charm of his gentle, loving ways
I'm happy, in love's sweet, sweet haze.

© anaya raj singh