

Before making any conclusion please read the full poem guys. It isn't negative.

Men in heaven, the almighty
Can you help me get the road never seen?
Where I can forever sit and dream.
Will ye free me from this world of jealousy
And lead me to the world of fantasy.

Men in heaven, the almighty
Will ye stop the tears, which on my face, shine
Until it’s late nine.
Father says “It’s time, it’s time
To bring home nickels and dime.”
But I don’t know why in an interview, I feel so shy
Maybe as mother says I’m useless that’s why.

Man of mud, the almighty
The road never seen,
Is the road never green.
Which leads to the world of fantasy,
The world dipped in the pool of ecstasy.

Man of mud, the almighty
The world in which you are born,
Even a corn
Isn’t forlorn,
Until it itself likes to mourn.
Why does the world’s frown
Take away your crown?

Man of mud, the almighty
To be our crony
First, you will have to cross
The deserts thorny.
To realize that
Merriment cannot be sold
And all glitters aren’t gold.

By-Agnik Biswas(Ignite)