

A Divine Friendship
Two soul wandered, on the lost alley of world;
To find Felicity for the broken heart.
Smiled with every breathing body, felt happiness
but still obscure to find lovely spell for heart.

walking on beautifully designed dirty lane,
we met, out of the blue in this strange land.
Felt each other's presence around each other
Stepping stopped all silence, an unearthly feeling arouse.

Tardily we get aquintanced of each other,
slowly indulged with ours pure solely emotion;
Shared and kept every secrets safe in heart's treasure
My mind is filled with yours and your one with mine.

Rely on each other's soul we living smilingly:
Propitious to our unknown relation, hand in hand walking;
Then over our relation, blend of friendship is poured
Now, standing on the revolving earth we are friends.

The god of mine realms craft our friendship;
And the Kings of those nine realms blessed our bond.
Friends forever, since blessed by powerful men and women of universe,
And I know our friendship is divine.

#friendship #lovediary #life-diaries #togetherness #forever

© heart of a dying star