

Desired Tiara
Soon I hope to spread my wings
Find artistic treasures among
Unique beauty surroundings
Close to see
Want to taste exotic food
Dance under a moon singing
Other languages all the way through

Want to visualize this with you
Listen to the wind
He agrees that we should travel
as two
Want to learn from others amazing
Hear stories from yesteryear
Love stories of Kings who loved
It's part of my desired tiara"My King"
Fits in a schedule of have tos, want tos
Till the return chime rings
Top of the crown is the time
to go
If you want to be my two
Lets plan to go

Want to fly or cruise either way
Laugh at the stars dance
Feel the ocean wind break
Desired this for a time
World is open to all
Appreciate it's gifts
Treasures to find...
© Cynthia A. Sakacs 3-15-2021