

I Thank You For Hearing Me
I thank you for hearing me
Even when I do not speak from my lips
I thank you for hearing me
In my heart the desires that are so deep
You listen no matter how deeply they be

I thank you for hearing me
My soul that cries like the winter breeze
That creeps in unexpectedly
Everyone around feels the air becoming colder
They don't speak of it
The just prepare for the day
They feel the winter air change

I thank you for hearing me
In every season that I'm in
Not making a move until it's time again
Even if I make mistakes, you dust me off anyway
Making the unplanned circumstance
To be woven into your plan
Since you already went ahead and saw many scenes of future actions
I stumbled and you were there
Making a everlasting covenant
To allow me to thrive no matter the mistakes that arise

I thank you for hearing me
For knowing me more than I know myself
For dwelling in me and cleaning inwardly
So much so, my household is blessed
My cup runs over the brim
All thanks to you My King
So, I thank you for hearing me
No matter if words part from my lips or my heart within

© Mara.gallagher