

I understand you were tired and Lord said it was time to go
but now with the holidays here before us I realize just how much I miss you & wish you were here because there are things I need to know
if I could have just one more day to spend with you I would write everything down so I would remember all I had to say
like why is my dressing dry
how do I cut an onion so I won't cry
how will the turkey take?
would you like me to make a cake
should we make one pumpkin pie or two
these are silly questions but they feel very important to me
our special time was in the kitchen just you and me and now that's the last place I want to be
something I thought of as no big deal I would give anything for us to cook one more meal
I know if I was given one more day I would pay more attention to the things you have to say. I love you momma.
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