

Santa Skeptic
Will jolly old Saint Nick,
Be delivering to the under privileged or just those who are cherry-picked?
Will Santa Claus and his magical reindeers,
Be visiting the inner-city kids and not just their well-to-do peers?
Will that little impoverished girl or boy be left without a toy,
Or not experience the love and joy,
That was etched in their young impressionable souls,
By the commercialization of Christmas and the fear of a lump of coal?

For a tan skinned island girl like me,
It would be weird seeing Santa bobbing and weaving through the coconut trees.
Never experienced winter snow,
No need for fireplaces for a shimmery glow.
I never believed in Santa's work shop, magical sleigh and elves,
But if you do, spread Christmas joy to those around and not just think about yourselves.
Teach your children about the art of sharing,
The love and warmth of family, good friends and just simply caring.

Although Santa is a figment of our imagination and traditionally white,
And yes... one more story we just need to get right.
Let's start being our communities’ Santa Claus,
Ensuring that no child across the world is left wanting or ever feeling like a lost cause,
Let them know that their happiness should not depend on their zip code,
They just need to enjoy the simple things in life and allow their hearts to explode,
With immense joy, positive vibrations and Christmas cheer,
Not only in this holiday season but all throughout the year.
© Audrey Malcolm

#poetsanonymousink prompt:

Inspiration: Concept of Santa, Your Thoughts