

I'm growing up, I guess
I used to be young, carefree and naive
But now I see the world with a different belief
I'm no longer a child, I'm becoming a man
Growing up and facing life's difficult plan

I used to play in the sunshine all day
But now I have bills and responsibilities to pay
I used to dream of all the places I'd go
But now I work hard just to make it all flow

I'm learning that life isn't always fair
Sometimes you have to fight and be prepared
The innocence of youth slowly fades
And we're left navigating life's complicated shades

But with each challenge and obstacle faced
I grow stronger and more sure in my place
I'm realizing that with each passing day
I'm becoming the person I was meant to portray

I'm growing up, I guess, it's a bittersweet truth
Leaving behind the days of carefree youth
But with age comes wisdom and strength to persevere
I'm growing up, I guess, and I'll face it without fear.

© Jovan_love