

Hopefully Next Year
Dreams are a memory,
But my memories feel like dreams.

I'm trying to tell the future, I'm trying to pull at the strings, but I can't see out that far, and what scares me the most is that I'm alone...

We all have aspirations, we all have desires for more, but our world is in turmoil, breaking apart at the core.

So how do we achieve what we crave most? How do we get there when it seems there is no hope?

I can't give you an answer for that, and I'm sorry to say, that all of us are only able to take it all day by day..

But let's not be pessimistic, let's not be sulking sally's, let's look to the future and hope we see a grand and beautiful finale.

Let's hope that this turmoil simply is a rebirth, let's hope all of this turns into a new Earth. A way of living where equality is the staple, where dreams and ambitions can be achieved, where we all can feel stable.

So let's not look forward with fear, let's not worry and slowly shed tears...just remember, there's always next year :)