

Human Frailty
My head is throbbing, my heart in pain
I feel like I can’t breathe, I might be going insane
I love you my dear and that’s always been true
Leaving you now is the best I can do
One thing I can say my love was true
I broke your heart for no real reason
But leaving is overdue.
You had a sad smile, asking why I’m leaving
I left you alone, in tears, broken and pleading
You asking me why I’m doing this now
“it’s almost been a year so why you leaving me now”
My hearts been in pain and I don’t know what to do
I don’t want to leave and I don’t want to hurt you
Whenever I see your smile, the pain it just worsens
I know what you thinking and yea I’m a fucked-up person
What should I do, you the reason my pain worsens
We stuck together, toxic and can’t break free
I’m leaving you now so you can be happy
I’m going so you can heal and grow
Instead of dying and freezing in my snow
I want you to know that I really love you
So now I bid you my final adieu
I’m blocking you now and deleting you too
I don’t know what to say anymore
But now that you’re gone my life is a bore
Its true I’m free and can never hurt you
Thing is I left so I can never burden you
This is the last time you’ll be on my mind
For tomorrow I smile and hope we never break
I’m leaving you to grow so ill become fake
No emotion, no tears, never again let my heart break
I hope you can forgive me because I left for your sake

© Brooklyn.C