

A Worn Path
Along the worn path she walks,
Each step a testament to time,
Etched deep into the earth,
A journey marked by the elements.

Through wind and rain,
Sunshine and shadow,
She treads on,
Her purpose unwavering.

The path twists and turns,
Leading her through valleys low,
And peaks so high,
Each bend a new beginning.

Memories linger in the air,
Whispers of those who came before,
Their voices carried on the breeze,
Guiding her forward.

At times the path is steep,
Rocky and rough beneath her feet,
Yet she presses on,
Fueled by determination and hope.

Through fields of wildflowers,
And forests dense with mystery,
She finds solace in the journey,
Embracing the unknown.

The worn path tells a story,
Of strength, resilience, and grace,
A testament to the human spirit,
And the power of moving forward.
© Simrans