

Forgetting - Something about squirrels
woo, I'm back,
forgot you were there for a second,

To all the socks along the road,
behind the couch,
inside the insides of the washing machine,
floating through the sock dimension,

You have been forgotten,
Even more than my nicknamed friend's real name,
Even more than that show I meant to watch yesterday,
Even more than the carrots I should've bought at the store,

More even than my wallet with all my ID's after I arrived at the airport,
More than the phone I left at my friend's house again,
More than your birthday, how old are you again ?
Do I have siblings ? really are you sure we're related ? hmmmmm

Next time I'll remember my homework,
def will have the trash taken out in time,
All my bills are paid on time,
All emails are answered,
My hair is finally combed,

This poem might even be finished,
It might even start to make sense,
That squirrels are really the ...
