

They are like mangoes on a tree
Everyone wants them to grow
They play like puppies
That's their own magic
Cry to get what they want
Because there is no other way
They also know that they will be listened to
I just simply love them

Within no time,
They have grown
Into what we love or hate
They imitate us
They love us no matter what,
Because they love unconditionally,
Their brains know no evil,
Because they are pure,
Like angels.
They learn the bad deeds from us,
They are so forgiving when they love,
I just adore them.

But it is so unfortunate ,
That the world has forgotten that,
Old men and women mislead them,
Defile them ,
Forgetting that they are going,
And need guidance.
Beat and mistreat them,
Forgetting that they know nothing,
And need to be taught calmly
How shameful are those old men and women
They need to be jail and hanged.
They ones that beat and mistreat them,
Need to be beaten by the police too,
To know that they just need simple punishments.
If we fight together, we shall do away
with such people,
Who defile girls and make them prostitutes.
Who mistreat children and make them scare.
Together we can.

© Lamaru Janet