

My Mind is a Hurricane
My mind had been a hurricane of thoughts.
Always trying to prove itself. Destroying every relation on the way.
Always lost but determined. Trying to reach the shore of success.
Always moving and never quitting. Always hungry for more.

And then it met you.

My storm faded away, just for those few minutes everyday.
It found the peace that it never knew existed. The beauty of stillness.
Calm and serene it became. Enjoying the little dance of waves on the shore.

My peace ended the day I lost you.

My mind is now in a war with itself.
Stopping it from loving again but silently craving the calmness it had found.
Trying again to reach the shore but slowly dying because it lost touch of your heat.
Quietly whispering to itself that it will never find that peace again.

© Rishita