

The space
Distance is an enemy,
Fighting against how I feel
Successfully becoming my surrogate,
Cause it won our tussle with a biff
The joy that came with smiles,
Like waves on an open sea
Have returned to being shallow waters,
As their driving force has ceased
Desperate I asked the wind,
To carry the words you speak
To ride along with titans of peace,
Who return troubled on their knees
If a cockerel should crow,
Or a cat comes meowing my way
Their cries send a distress signal,
Reminding me you're miles away
I'm found caught in my feelings,
So I persuade myself to fall asleep
Hoping when tomorrow comes,
You'd be beside me in my sheet's
Then like the dawn of the morning,
A brute hit by reality purposely
I begin missing and I begin
Getting envious of those you get to see.

© Cogua