

Those Eyes
A poet can run out of words...if he starts
expressing his thoughts about
Those Eyes... Her beautiful eyes,
They are so expressive...
What I see in Those Eyes, is not how beautiful they are...
How is it so beautiful...??
It's Her struggles..her tears...her sacrifices..her pain she
has been through...
The meaning of being lonely, broken and the
promises that are in Vain,
Her eyes are captivatingly beautiful...Not Because Of Its
shape but because of what they Hold within...
unspoken emotions and words
Those Eyes...Her beautiful Eyes which after all of this, Still
Shines and sparkles like the Diamonds in the Sky.
Those Eyes Her Beautiful Eyes had witnessed people
changing and coming, going out of her life ...so many
hardships and still she smiles
Her smile is so amazing...And especially when her smile
reaches and
touches her eyes(When she laughs)
I wish I could capture that moment when not only she
smiles but her eyes are smiling too...I can watch her for
hours...Doing nothing but watching her...
Those eyes...Her beautiful eyes...
Refresh me..enlighten me...mesmerises me, I feel so lost in
them...I feel so.. me..when I look in Those eyes, Her
beautiful eyes…
© eclarier_thoughts