


One more beginning,
One more Ending.
Let's make a story,
Today is tommorow's history.
The new year has arrived.
The sky is full of sparkling Crackers
It's a time for celebration,
for our New generation.
The festive spirit is making echoes
The hymning of prayers and Carols.
The children playing around
in the merry go round.
The sharing of candies and toffies
and enjoying hot and cold coffees.
The brighter days and the darker nights.
The twinkling of Stars and serene Sky.
The cooler and chilling Winter
The fragrant bouquet of flowers.
The beautiful decoration of balloons.

Welcoming the mesmerizing happiness
for the year ahead.
Let's celebrate and make new memories
and say good bye to worries

It's the time to end all the yesterday's difficulties.
And to Embrace today's new opportunities.

Good bye to the old Year.
Welcome Happy New Year .


© Asnawahab