

Shawl of Love

Do not remove your shawl from their head
They are the ones who love you the most
They are the ones who protect you from the cold
They are the ones who cover your flaws and faults

Do not remove your shawl from their head
They are the ones who give you their warmth
They are the ones who share your joys and sorrows
They are the ones who wrap you in their arms

Do not remove your shawl from their head
They are the ones who respect your dignity
They are the ones who honor your modesty
They are the ones who value your beauty

Do not remove your shawl from their head
They are the ones who deserve your loyalty
They are the ones who support your dreams
They are the ones who cherish your memories

Do not remove your shawl from their head
They are the ones who need you the most
They are the ones who pray for you every day
They are the ones who will never let you go.
© JR2K6
Oct 15 2023