

Untitled . . .
why has this all happened,

if they only really knew.

go and take over all my joy's,

just take what you want, giving vague reasons,

I'm hurting so bad, I'm physically terminal.

my heart can't break harder,

there will never be enough tears.

To make me stop hurting, grieving. cursing or weeping, aggresion and torment. Nightmares of memories. Without the ability to let go or heal.

Its hard to breathe, and I cant stop obsessing. I find it difficult to express myself, anymore.

And everyone is missinterprating and completely taking me wrong.

Not able to sympathy and doesn't have any empathy.

No common sense, and very little intellect. Either that or they simply dont care, there not even phased.

..... and in my world is cold, and empty, lonely and dark, angry, bitter, and pointless.

.. So basically and in all retrospect I dont care about what people think of me, I merely wanted to share.