

Just because I am a woman
I am expected to have no dreams
Just because I am a woman
I am expected to have no
Opinion of mine
Just because I am a woman
I am expected to give up on my dreams, my goals and aspirations

Just because I am a woman
I am expected to fulfill
My husband's dreams
Just because I am a woman
I shouldn't have independent
women as friends
They are bad influence on me
Just because I am a woman
I must produce a heir
Who'll carry on
The family name

It's a shame
How people still have such thought
In this day and age
The irony of this notion
Is that, I can achieve anything
I set my mind to
I can yield positive and productive results
Just because I am a woman.

Dear husband, I need you to remember that
I am your helpmate
We can thrive and soar
Higher together
Just because I am a woman
© Ale Gbemisola Ayotosimi