

You got your opinion, I got mine, and then there is the truth that separates like turpentine. Families are going to war against their own lifelines. Love and loyalty is at an all time decline. People spreading lies in the streets just because they heard it through the grapevine. So many are willing to tear anothers life apart, while the world stands by to watch them as they flatline. My hope for humanity is about to hit its deadline. Listening to Tupac sing about these better dayz, getting lost in daze, starting to feel the phase for all the things I never took the time to appreciate, and It stops me dead In my tracks, taking one more look back at the stars shining bright against the nights skyline. A warm embrace, from an ol' familiar face, for me a safe place, without any illusions or reasons to hide behind a lie. This was once a craving of mine, a hunger I could not deny, yet nothing I found could quite satisfy what my soul searched for by the ties that bind. Now I'm patiently waiting, my heart anticipating the dark clouds to make way for some sunshine. Created from the DNA of an OG and through the vibrations you will meet the destination that sets you free by the divinity of its design. Balance is the master key that we need to execute this life successfully, it's something like a melody that won't harmonize because it has no rhythm to its rhyme. The originals in our history can't be denied, just as unique as the prints that our fingers leave behind. Always remain true to yourself and let your colors be seen, so when the keeper of the stars returns to collect, you won't be that one that's so hard to find. There is 1% that will remain authentic, a rare breed that wants to make a difference, they are the resistance, the ones who stay strong, and aren't afraid to take that ride for the ones who have been true enough to stay by their side.
Disconnecting from ego can be a scary thing to do when it's the only thing that you know, just take some time to stop and elevate your mind to a higher level where you can meet yourself again, as if it was for the first time, stay awake so without being detected you will know when to go with the moves that you make, it's not always in black and white, find the area of gray, and don't take your eyes off the prize as it falls between the lines. Live your best life so your glass stays full, even when you make a mistake, learn your lesson and take it with you along the way so you can share your perspective with those of a like mind. Then, comes the trinity, where you 3 finally get to meet consciously, take it for a time of self reflecting, when the mind gets blown, at will it takes time to sort out the information you stored away in thoughts, and you don't want to fail to find your exit sign. Don't get played like a puppet or let another control your reaction to however they are acting, through this action most of you can actually see that owning up to your faults isn't as easy as it might seem.
I always dive off into the deep end, sometimes it gets hard to keep my head above the water, but I'm not scared to be the first one in and it's hell to tell my captain that my ship might sink, because there is no man left behind on this team, don't call bluff because energy unseen stands behind the soldiers when waters get rough, and even if it seems like I might be going under, I got the most high on stand by just like a marine. He called me grace for the mistakes I had made and in my mouth it left behind a bitter taste, yet each time I fell I always had a shoulder to lean. Every mistake that was mine had to be made, it was after school detention and I had to learn my lesson with Karma 101, from the 808, wiping debts clean from my slate that were finally being erased. I'm humble enough to wear my heart on my sleeve, but don't let it fool you because my presence demands your attention, vibes maxed out and everyone knows when it's coming like your favorite songs drop line on the base. I stay on z-ro so you can keep watching me, but I can not ever be replaced. I saved this one for last and Lord knows when it might be the last thing that I say.. Don't let religion tell you who to be, it's all just make-believe and it was never meant for you or me, as a last minute attempt to regain control, it was a hail mary throw penciled into the play book, conveniently in the place of what was left out of the space where God said to just be yourself for the perfect play by play. This ain't exactly the same, life might be playing us all like a game, but time is running out and right now there are souls that need to be Saved.
© Jessie Rae J AKA Jessica Johnson