

Loyality Vow
Tonight, I looked up at the
Thoughts were about you
Wished you were close, so I could
Touch you
Sky lit up my star
Spoke of a love, coming soon
Be patience, do not disregard
Open up that door to your heart
Make sure your gift if love
Has plenty of room
Thoughts you are having
Are just a clue

Honest, I do cherish the dreams
That have me anxious
Almost to an extreme
God promised a love who is smart
Kind in mind, laughs at silly play
In the dark
A sense of lemon appears to me
Dark but gentle, curls scream
Words play hard, but whose to know
Wisdom has dropped a gold key
To open up the soul

Sushi keeps coming to mind
If God's promise enjoys this..
The treasure is a valued find
Unsure, but somehow
My heart has taken a loyality vow
© Cynthia Inouye