

Seasonal Reflections

As the seasons come and go,
They teach me lessons I should know.
Let's journey through my poem's flow,
And learn valuable wisdom as I show.

Spring whispers softly in my ear,
Showing me that change is nothing to fear.
New beginnings bring hope and cheer,
Lesson I've learned: I must embrace them, so dear.

Summer's call, to the beach I'll explore,
Feeling the heat, where the sun's rays pour.
With water's embrace, and sand beneath my feet,
Lesson I've learned: A paradise of bliss, where worries retreat.

Autumn paints the world with bright colors,
Teaching me to let go and discover.
Release what no longer serves,
Lesson I've learned: Endings make space for something cherished and earned.

Winter's cold is quite a sight,
But it teaches me to find light.
In stillness, I gather might,
Lesson I've learned: Strength takes flight.

So I follow these lessons, clear and true,
From seasons, nature's wisdom I pursue.
Embrace change, find joy anew,
In every season, knowledge will grow.

© Ember Rage