

She was never a believer
I preachings of patience
She scoffed at those who were
'They are in shackles',
She would always say.

She believed she was free
And so she took life by the horns
Betraying everyone but herself,
She lived everyday like her last
She was wild, foolish

But what she never knew
Was that she was worse
Than those she so despised
Blind she was to the truth
And to the chains
That slowly enveloped her.

Then the chains
Now too heavy,
Pulled at her, dragging her down
Into the depths she drowned, sinking
She screamed and struggled
But there was no help
No one
No answer.

At the height of her despair
She saw
A man clothed in white
He reached out,
Held her to him
And eased her pains.
He taught her to believe
In things she never did before
But to remove the chains,
She must accept them.

And so she did
With each surrender the chains came off
To the heaviest of them all
She surrendered herself to him
And a feeling of peace that she had never felt before
Enveloped her.

© Ese-Ose