

The fear
We are all humans made of wishes
We keep asking for things like
We keep asking and asking and asking
Till we grow tired of it
Cuz it's not given to us everytime
Slowly we learn how to settle
How to be satisfied
For something less than we deserve
Cuz we are afraid
Of the possibilities that even if we try asking
We will never get them
Till we grew numb of it
We are afraid of losing hope
we are afraid of waiting
Afraid that the right time will pass
Afraid that we will die
And we learn to settle
For something less than we deserve
A partner to keep us company
A job to give us living
A life to keep us moving
But what do we lose
We lose dreams
Cuz we are afraid of imagining anymore
Afraid of daydreaming
Afraid of chasing
Afraid of losing what we have
Afraid of flying high
Afraid of the fall
And that's what we teach out kids too
We didn't teach the kid about
How icarus fly
We teach them about his fall
About how achilles love was more powerful
We teach them about his rage
About how narcissus did love himself
We teach him not to love yourself
Cuz the one who did died
But won't you tell he died with love in his eyes?
We kill their imagination
kill their dreams
Teach them to just settle for something less than they deserve
To fly low
To not dream
To be secured
To play safe
And we kill them
From the moment they were born
Just to live up to our expectations
Did we do that for ourself?
Did we live up to our expectations?
And what we do when they dissappoint us
And we couldn't kill them anymore
We take their corpses and beautify them
In order to make us proud
In order to hide our faults
We fail to find our own mistakes
What's left?
A product made up of our fears
And we are afraid of that too.