

God's gangster
people say that im different maybe because the way that im living but i had a dream about a place so let's take a escape inside of my brain but stay close this headspace not always safe place. if you look to you're left you'll see something few people do.

there's the devil and his crew
but it's nothing new
theres his cracked and broken rusty ghost train it's built on ruin and run off sin.

id pay close attention to the man standing there handing out tickets notice that he's hands are free but there's chains shackled to his feet because even the devil doesn't free his tamed demons he's just keeps them on a leash.

Now look down me and you have shackles too but don't worry I want you to look to you're right and meet this man named Jesus Christ.

he's chance taker a chain breaker,fate changer and a way maker. see some people find religion other's find church but not me I found words.

my writing is a conversation a holy vibrant vibration when I speak I truly believe he channels the words that help me make changes.
so i am different am I a "angel" fuck no but I'll be God's gangster.

© shrouded/Robert.Deane