

Today, Tonight And Tomorrow
Water flows down a waterfall
As it does from her eyes

Each tear wasted upon something which is not dear
A waste of time
And precious tears

She deserves to be treated like someone
But is stuck with the label which shows what you chose to see

Longs for someone to look beyond what people see
A glance that says she is not what she seems to be

Defined by society
Expected to conform
That sparks rebelliousness
The want to be seen

Careful and precise
Observant and intuitive
Sees more than what her peers fail to

Finding someone like her
Impossible it seems
Foreign she seems
As she thinks beyond the box

Changing perspectives to see all the sides
Before stating her opinion
Seen as smart, a wise move it is
Though impulsiveness almost won

As the day draws to a close
The chatter of students fades
Comes the close to the distractions they bore
Lying in bed
Dark thoughts taunting her
She takes her mind to a different place...

One of joy
One of love
One of support
One she holds dear

A Fantasy World
Where all is good
And all is right

The loneliness
The neglect
All forgotten
As she thinks of a place
One that is dear...

As dawn approaches
Another day us here
She dreads the same routine
Nothing to look forward to
The promise of the future Motivates her
When thoughts of giving up come near

Insecurities, insecurities
Telling her she's not good enough
She feeds into them
Believing they are true
For they truly are...

Liars, liars
Surrounding her daily
The truth she knows, she has come to accept
But the lies of others fall perfectly out of their mouth
Trying to change her mind
But she does not fall into their web
She gives them no satisfaction

Passion oh passion,
Where art thou?
Is thy with her 13-year old self?
The passion she once had is now a lost cause it seems
No drive
No motivation

The ideas are raw
But the drive, the skills, the time
Seem lost, improbable to obtain

As another day draws closed she is met with coldness
A feeling of loneliness draws near
This time her imagination is of no use
The dark thoughts seeping though
The lid has been removed;
The curtain has been drawn;
And the mask has been placed on the night stand
Revealing all that is true

As the water flows down
Crashing on the stream's surface
Everything comes out
The girl seen in the daytime, finally completes her act
As the true girl steps away from the stage
And into the comforts of her home

And a whole lot of negative emotions overwhelms her
The façade she had finally coming to rest

Thoughts of ending it all consume her
But the promise of the future prevents just that

'What happens when a promise, an uncertain one at that isn't enough? What then?' The darkness inside asks in a seemingly mocking tone

What will happen?
She does not wish to find out

I am her, she is me
And as I lay in this cold bed tonight
I pray for a better tomorrow
My life depends on it

#findingmyself #self-expression #lostandfound