

Is Now a right time? (Help with Decision Making)
Only in things that come from God is there a right time. Because His time is the best

Is there something bothering you?
A truth you want to tell?
You fear lying about it or hiding it can break the future.
A decision you want to make?
But you are scared of the outcomes
waiting, for the right time.

I tell you, in things you can control,
There IS No Right Time
the time is NOW
to tell that truth and take what comes with it
The longer you keep it, the greater the damage it will cost, the greater the pain you will feel afterwards.
Make that decision NOW, and deal with the outcome.
it might be good, congratulations; it might be bad, get up and try again.

You're waiting for tomorrow
but guess what?
Tomorrow has a plan and you don't know what that plan holds
it might be good, it might be bad Or worse, you might all crash or go down in the worst way tomorrow. when you could have made it better by doing it today.

Someone said,
Procrastination is aggressively believing that God owes you a second shot at stuff you could have done now.

You might not be able to do it tomorrow, there is no right time.
© Catherine_O