

If only
If only you could see life
Through these eye of mine
If only you could feel the doubts,
The pain I had felt through the years

If only you know the tales of,
The torture called life I've been through
If only I could show you
What the world looks like
From my point of view

If only I could tell you
When it hurt the most,
How it broke me down,
And why I find it hard to trust

If only you saw
If only I showed
From whence I got that Flaw
If only you felt it too
Perhaps then you could understand

But if only's
remain if only's
And you still don't know
So how should I bend my will
And trust you to tell my tale

You still don't know me
Perhaps you do know,
The little I let slip through
I'm not saying only I got hurt
You hold your own demons too
But allow me the honour
To tell you of mine
If only I would be willing

© Dena's_poetry