

The Odd Definition Of Thy Life
Today, as I walk along 'tis  endless road of solitude,
I wish there would be a bit of light that would follow me through, to guide me in this lonely terrain,
For in this journey, I am still uncertain what lies ahead for me.

And as my heavy footsteps crushed on the rough surface of self-loath and disappointment,
I fear..these two would haunt me as I carry on.
I didn't dare look back even when I heard voices in a distant calling me,
Vivid fragile-figures who wave their hands to greet me tempting myself to halt.

Then, as I passed by a shady oak tree who proudly stood beside this road for over a thirty decades,
Its bark and roots are still very young but seemed to grow weak and weary.
Leaves of hopelessness, doubts, and uncertainties are falling from it.
I picked and crushed them in my tiny hand.
Again, I continue to go on..

From afar, a wide meadow have caught my eyes,
I stood there captivated and truly mesmerized.
A great beauty indeed, possessed by nature itself.
A land of fresh green plains,cherry blossoms and maple trees,
Where the leaves rustled from the soft blow of the wind, screaming of a promise of unending joy.
Silently, a single tear had escaped from my eyes,
As I see a vague figure hastily approaching me.
I stepped back and run away from it.

With a great urge to get away, I stumbled upon a solid rock of desperation,
Struggled to get up...a strong force of relief and salvation have held me.
Only to see a vague smile of hope and a promise,
Yes, that smile is full of assurance and encouragement.
I slowly moved my feet forward, footsteps are now lighter than before.
And I smiled..
Then a soft voice carried by the waves of nature called me from afar, saying:
"Contentment and great satisfaction is an eloquent form of true happiness. It is what awaits you in this journey."


© melai2020