

Your Poetry and Prose
Your Poetry wins by a Street
and your Prose, wins by a Mile.
Each sentence is wrapped with Words,
that the Dictionary.....flaunts a Smile.
Your Writings are like the Snow.
That's never afraid to Fall.
At times they Dawn like the Sun,
that shines light upon All.
Sometimes they Whisper like the Wind.
Helping Us, to take Our Flight.
Or at times, they play the Moon.
Glowing on a stormy Night.
When each Poem, touches Our Hearts.
The Piano, falls short of Tunes.
Sunning up, Our cold Weather
and lighting up, Our Moons.

A Dedication to @danie_af

© Savio Fonseca

#Love&love #Love&love💞 #yqwriter #writco #poem #words #thoughts #Life&Life #writer