

Water Grave
My death's door knocking.
Water streams came flowing.
I was locked inside, never knowing,
Unexpecting the gentle nature's sweet calling.

I heard the calming rush,
Flowing through the cold floors.
It caressed through the door's thin space,
And will soon caress my pale skin face.

Lungs used to breathe air.
It will learn to welcome and douse.
My eyes will be still to stare,
Once everything will be burning with arouse.

Lilies are the flowers of the water.
They will be there to accompany me in my water grave.
Because I have begun to falter,
My soul, tried and saved

I'll be one with the rivers,
My lover to keep me sane.
My friends are the waves, they give the best greetings.
I'll be as cold and inviting, on a hot summer meeting.

Farewell, I wish you could see me.
I am your reflection, mimicking everyone's being.
A cycle, no one knows.
That this is how the waters flow.