

These Invisible Threads
A secret game, want to play?
Connecting us, all the same.
A hidden network, strong and true,
Binding hearts, me and you.
We’re tangled up in life’s design,
A woven tapestry, oh how divine.
Invisible bonds, a secret art,
Connecting us, from the very start.
Through laughter, tears, and joy’s embrace,
These threads remain, a constant trace.
A silent force, a guiding hand, a tangled game.
A cosmic puzzle, a cosmic aim.
We’re all connected, a secret quest,
To find our threads, put to the test.
Let’s unravel the mystery, one by one,
Discover the connections, ‘til the day is done.
A hidden game, a cosmic art,
Connecting us, from the very start.
So do you want to play, this cosmic game?
Unravel the threads, ignite a flame?
A playful quest, a joyful ride,
As we discover invisible threads,
a connection deep that forever spreads.
© AndiMiller
