

"I loved once"
A shame I hid it well
Between us my silence
placed a distance
Yet I was under his spell

When he said those three words
I only wished to give him my all
But I knew I couldn't
And it broke me

When I saw him
My heart would leap for joy
On my lips a smile engraved

His voice was a melody
I only wished to listen too
When he did speak,
The world around me fell silent

One look at him
Left me wanting for more
A feeling that scared me,
He would be my downfall

I wished only to protect him
From the demons that lay in me
So I would step back
In fear of breaking him

But he wanted more
And more I couldn't give
When He said
He wanted all of me
I really wanted it to be

Yet fear had me wanting out
I did all I could to lock him out
For fear if I let him in
He would want out

I loved once
Yet I watched him leave
With a smile in my face
I wish He got all he wanted

Wish he went where he got the love
He well deserved
Somewhere he was safe
Somewhere he was sure of forever

© Dena's_poetry