

Will you still offer me the poison?
I gulped down every bit of poison you had to offer..
I drank the viciousness with that smile plastered on my face
While you stood there in rage
In rage from your hopes of what could I've been
In rage from your initial perception of me as an angel
But now that you see me in the dark
You loathe the monster you see...
The monster who strangles itself with it's own intestines
You loathe the world I see...
The hues of black and white don't resonate with you anymore
So, you stand there in rage offering me the poison
Offering it in hopes, you can kill the monster..
But what if I told you, "I was the monster all along?"
Would you still offer me the poison or will you walk away?
Walk away with the cup still in your hands..
Or will you walk away loathing the monster I am...

© scythe