

Seasons of Love
An eternal love never had it's brink,
Ran as infinite grassland, where sun is pink.
Passing the spring of hope, winter of despair;
In corner of world love stand on flare.

Nature carries grace in her all seasons
With touch of this beauty, for lovers she form edens.
Summer makes it beautiful with golden rays!
And sunflower dance with rhyme of love phrases.

Monsoon invigorates every promise to beloved–
Of being hand in hand, love appear manifested
Desire for saying tales of sad and romance;
Spent nights and days, is when love enhance.

Then arrives autumn in season of love;
Where green leaves turns orange, tweets of dove.
Feel pain in hope of being more near,
And rise of shady illusion in fear.

Welcome letter of white winter, gives mere oblivion–
To love, where emotions step in alienation.
Dry air blew, trees turn black leafless
Suffer in pain of being apart, love get supress.

Clink of chime bell announce arrival of spring;
Nature blush in happiness, lovers wear love ring.
Daffodils tousle their heads in air with joy,
For lovers, in love they rejoice, and this nature also enjoy!

© heart of a dying star

#Love&love #seasons #nature #forever #Life #year