

Light as soul-Loving is easy

In the shadow of the stars, before dawn was born, I loved you, in silence, without words.
I traveled through centuries, searching,Life for you, endless as the world.
I have felt your waiting in my heart, Like an echo in the mountains, far but close.
In every whisper of wind, in every wave, You were there, although you were invisible,
Like a reflection in a calm lake.
At our meeting, time stood still,
As if the universe understood its purpose.
In the love that brought us together,
I found life, I found myself.
In your smile, the dawn is born, in your touch, the stars shine.
In our love, the Universe dances, in harmony, when our hearts weave together.
In every word that comes from your mouth, I hear a song that feeds my soul, I can see the road that leads to me.
In the silence that surrounds us,
I hear two hearts beating as one In the space that divides and unites us,
I feel a love that transcends boundaries.
In you, is my destiny,
In You, my eternity is.
In our being, I find peace.
Yes, in the shadow of the stars, before the dawn was born,
I loved you before time began.
And I will love, until the end of ages,
In you, in me, in us.
© nilacibi