

Why me?
Everyone seems to have left me.

Am I that bad?
Am I that horrible?
Am I that difficult to handle?

All my life I have always craved for love which I ain't getting.

Anytime anyone comes into my life they then leave without any reason why they left.

Depression seems to become my companion.

Anxiety seems to become my best friend who comes to visit me everyday.

Overthinking seems to have become part of me.

My life is crumbling right before my eyes and i can't do anything to safe it.

My life seems to be breaking apart, breaking into pieces but I just sit back and watch it break.

I had always gone through pain.

Now I don't believe that anyone could be loved for who they are.

Everyone's become selfish with their love.

But I ain't selfish, I can't be selfish.

Because I am just a girl with a pure and innocent heart who just wants to be loved but instead gets pain.

I didn't know it hurts so bad to want to be loved.

I didn't know that to get love you need to give something in return.

No one told me that no matter how much you love someone, how much i'd give up things for them, how much i'd be loyal, how much i'd care for them and wish the best for them, how much I'd give them my attention all the time they would never reciprocate the love I gave to.

Instead they would either deceive me that they also love me, or make me face hell on earth .

Why does this always happen?

They break me into pieces and leaves me to heal myself, leaves me to bring back my broken pieces and make them whole again.

One day I'll just walk away from the face of the earth and all my pains and sufferings would just end.

© kaya N