

In my Dreams
Bold strokes of a confident hand,
The painting is a masterpiece,
Executed as planned...
Is it like the way I want
In my dreams there are thousands of expectations
I am standing in the middle of it struggling to fulfill every expectations
Still,I am a human,just a common human without any godgifted talent
So,I also broke!
I cried and cried,not to escape from here
but on how ordinary I am!
Expectations wants me to be diamond as now,I am just a coal chunk
they are applying pressure on me
And I am ready to bear the pressure
But as I am not very strong
So,I broke and shattered
I cried and cried not to escape from here but on
How much weak I am!
I had the deepest fear of the day
when these expectations will start loosing hope on me
So, I promised to myself,I will fight and fight till my last breath
But I cried and cried not because it was lie but on
"Do I really have that courage!"