

A Unique Fraternity
A Unique Fraternity

In the crowded train, a general compartment strife,
Journey challenging, not an easy life.
Passengers crammed, standing room scarce,
No place to sit, a weary affair.
Old men stand, one-legged, tired and true,
Tea seller shouting, "Chai, anyone for you?"

Meals vendor navigating through the tide,
Tray on his head, a balancing act with pride.
The train rattles on, tracks beneath it hum,
In this communal chaos, each soul is a drum.
Amidst the jostle, stories unfold,
A shared journey, memories to hold.

A symphony of chaos, the compartment's song,
The rhythm of rails, a journey prolonged.
Strangers connected in this moving maze,
Life's tapestry woven in unpredictable ways.
Tea spills, laughter erupts, as tales are spun,
In the general compartment, a journey begun.

Through the window, landscapes swiftly change,
A kaleidoscope of scenes, a visual range.
Yet within, the compartment's vibrant scene,
A microcosm of life, chaotic and keen.
Passengers bond, in this transient ride,
General compartment tales, forever abide.

The train carries on, relentless and fast,
Generations of stories, present and past.
In the general compartment, a shared space,
A journey etched in every smiling face.
Amidst the hustle, a sense of unity,
The toughest times create a unique fraternity.
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