

If I Were To Tell You How I Feel
Sometimes if I were to tell you just how I feel
It would be to tell you how afraid I am that my scars won't heal
I would tell you how some days I feel like a total mess
And that some days I feel like our love is a constant test
A test that I am almost sure that I will not pass
So I convinced myself that our love won't last

I would tell you how some days I can feel it creeping in
The certainty of unworthiness  buried under my skin
Because I have never met anyone who loves me this much
And I am terrified that I will fxxk this up

I would tell you how fear would let me trade my sunshine for rainy days
Because I am broken and dysfunctional in so many ways
I would tell you how I badly want you to be mine to keep
For you to be the one who pulls me up and out from the deep

I would tell you that my love for you run deep in my veins
And that my love for you is like an irremovable stain
Oh Honey! If only I had the courage to tell you how I feel
Then what would happen if  all my demons were to be revealed?

© thatweirdislandgirljm